‘Journal Tribune’ publishes column by Wayne Lamarre and Heath Pierce on starting a walking/running program

On May 7, the Journal Tribune published a column on “Springtime Walking/Running Programs” by Wayne Lamarre, M.Ed., LAT, ATC, clinical professor and director of the Athletic Training Program, and Heath Pierce, M.Ed., RSCC*D, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D, ACSM EP-C, associate clinical professor in the Department of Exercise and Sport Performance.
For those thinking about beginning a walking or running regimen now that winter weather is behind us, the column provides advice on proper clothing; footwear; frequency and duration of exercise; and injury prevention. It also provides suggestions on when to seek medical clearance before beginning an exercise routine.
“Spring is a wonderful time to live, work and play in Maine,” wrote Lamarre and Pierce. “With the right preparation and guidance, we think you can achieve your fitness goals and head into the summer ready for all that our beautiful area has to offer!”
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